Feel free to reach out to the contact(s) listed below in your county or a neighboring county for questions or concerns.

County Coordinators

County Contact Name Email Phone
Alamance Bennie Catoe bbcatoe9@gmail.com 336-584-1662
Anson Sharon (primary contact) &
Dave Edwards (2nd contact)
david.edwards.de33@gmail.com 704-695-4002
Beaufort Sandy Rhodes srhodes7@hotmail.com 252-943-8822
Bladen Mike Jackson mjjackson81@embarqmail.com 910-874-2894
Brunswick Lloyd Young Lloyd_young@sbcglobal.net 925-628-9205
Buncombe Russ Bauman susie.russ@att.net 828-667-9007
Caldwell Sue Harrell sueharrell@yahoo.com 772-475-4632
Caswell Mary Beth Moore mbandtm@triad.rr.com 336-214-8283
Catawba Kristin Dzimitrowicz kbdipad@gmail.com 828-781-8517
Chatham Dr. Bill Zitek wezent402@gmail.com 828-699-7717
Cherokee Patty Cook ppcook@yahoo.com 828-321-5019
Clay Patty Cook ppcook@yahoo.com 828-321-5019
Craven Clay & Kathy Hodge KSLong1@msn.com 910-818-0785 cell
Cumberland Timothy K Carroll (Ziggy) Timothy.K.Carroll@Chemours.com 910-678-1650 / 910-257-9060 cell
Davidson Risa Jarman risajarman@gmail.com 336-416-2376
Durham Peter Chauncey chaunceypw@gmail.com 919-475-5450
Edgecombe David Hindsley jhindsley@embarqmail.com 252-823-0737
Forsyth Kay Cameron kcamerondgray@gmail.com 703-336-2865
Gaston Jean Sprague jalices@hotmail.com 704-215-0201
Graham Patty Cook ppcook@yahoo.com 828-321-5019
Granville Phil Walters walte011011@aol.com 919-482-5582
Guilford Donna Allred director-da@ncbluebird.org 336-402-1150
Halifax Stella Rideout ssrlnana@gmail.com  
Haywood Richard Gould thaiscom@comcast.net 239-560-2975
Henderson Joe Sanders joesanders0522@gmail.com 828-243-6732
Johnston Mike Nolan MNoln@hotmail.com 518-281-6236
Lincoln Pat Propst patp1949@gmail.com 704-735-5780
Madison Chuck Arthur whalechuck@gmail.com 828-554-9944
Mecklenburg Dr. Mark Stanback mastanback@davidson.edu 704-894-2325
Moore David Kilpatrick dkilpatrick@icloud.com 910-624-3793
Nash Bill Highsmith billhighsmith@gmail.com 252-399-9602
New Hanover Charlie Owens chazbo1950@icloud.com 910-520-0222
Orange Risa Jarman risajarman@gmail.com 336-416-2376
Pitt Dr. Edward Davis gedward.davis@gmail.com 252-756-4165
Polk Vange LaMore vardis2@aol.com 828-863-4248
Randolph Ken F. Roberson kenmikecl@aol.com 336-402-2752
Richmond Matthew Grant matt_grant@bellsouth.net 910-331-6533
Rockinghm Tim Wall timwall127@gmail.com 336-816-5202
Rutherford Christine Ammons cbammons@gmail.com 828-748-2669
Stanly Dana Glenn newsletterdana@gmail.com 704-616-1742
Surry Scott Wallace scottwallace@gmail.com 763-498-4597
Wake Carol Reid carolreid136@gmail.com 828-361-1220
Wake Terri McLaughlin ksgrammie3@gmail.com 919-741-9858
Warren Stella Rideout   252-257-3137
Wayne Virginia Pickles pic658@aol.com 919-658-3062
Wilkes Kathryn Charles kathryndcharles@gmail.com 336-984-6102
Yancey Chuck Arthur whalechuck@gmail.com 828-554-9944

If you are unable to reach someone near you, County Coordinator Area Coordinators are also available across the state. Feel free to contact anyone per numbers below.

East: Bill Highsmith 252-399-9602

Central: Bill Zitek 828-699-7717

West: Patty Cook 828-321-5019